November Show Set Up Instructions

  • Here are the set up details:
  • Remember, the November show is Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
  • We are sold out of indoor spaces this month in the West Expo, meaning all spaces are the standard 12′ by 10/2′. The spaces in buildings 6-9 are slightly larger. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out early in the week.
  • The air conditioning will be on for set up day (Thursday).  We will have a few less doors propped open all day to keep it as cool as possible.
  • Set-up will be 8-5 and we will be in the West Expo and Buildings 6-9 for the first time in years for a non February show. The growth is tremendous.
  • You can reply to this email with any questions or text or call to 317-431-0118.
  • Please take a moment in the next week to do one thing to help the show, post on social media, reach out to a potential or existing customer- just asking for 10 minutes of your time. If every dealer does this, the potential is tremendous.
  • This message will be going out via text, email newsletter and posted on the Jenkins & Co. Website

You are receiving this message because you have either indicated that you do the November show or have already paid.  If anything has changed, please notify us so we can plan accordingly.  Look forward to seeing you there.