West Palm Feb. Set Up

Important February Show Details
Dates: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday- February 7-9
Set-Up Day: Thursday, 8 AM – 5 PM- arrive at gate 10 for parking pass and directions.  Show offices located in the front of the West Expo and also in Building 10.  For those of you wishing to pay your booth rent ahead of time and skip the office lines, respond to this text/email with your name and I can send you an invoice via text/email.

Hello, fabulous vendors!  It’s time for the big one- the February Extravaganza. You are receiving this message because we are expecting you at the show, if you are not planning on attending, please respond.

Key Updates:

  • Indoor Spaces: Every single spot is taken—no extra space! All spaces remain the standard 12′ x 10′.
  • Set-Up Comfort: Thursday’s set-up day will feature air conditioning to keep things cool while you arrange your treasures.

Help Us Help you

You can help make this show the best yet! Here’s how:

  1. Post on social media about the event—a few minutes every day helps.
  2. Reach out to your customers. Remind them they’ve got a chance attend the biggest West Palm Beach show in years.

If every vendor pitches in, we’ll make this event unforgettable!

Questions or Updates?

Need a pep talk or last-minute tips? Reply to this message, text, or call us at 317-431-0118. And if your plans have changed, please let us know ASAP—our resolution this year is better communication (so far, so good!).

This message will also be sent via text, email newsletter, and posted on the Jenkins & Co. website.

Warm regards,
The West Palm Beach Antique Festival Team